Hi, it's me and I'm dead
I've killed myself, again, and let me just say
(if I can) that this time cremation
is out of the question. No more ashes
for me, my friends, but no worms
either. Just send me overboard
to feed the fishies. I know, dying
so far from any large body of water
may prove ionconvenient to you
(not to mention the environemtal laws
you might break) and may seem a bit
excessive, especially since
I'm not one to complain or nag, at least
not in my present state
of decomposition. Nevertheless
please respect this last request I'll
ever make, unless I really do decide
to return as another homo sapiens sapiens
in what dreams may come (oh please,
don't we all steal from the best
every once in a while?).
So, tata, my dear friends. The wake's
on me.
[Name withheld by request of next of kin]
Ps. The Jameson's that's left is first come,
first served. Sorry about the Baileys:
It is finished --
along with the rum, the cognac, and that one
merlot from Washington State
I'd been holding onto all these years.
Nothing like diazapam and mixed drinks
for a grand send-off, don't you
agree? Best 30 minutes I ever spent!
Too bad the rest of you
missed the party. Better luck
next time we're well met.
posted by Tara at 8:12 PM